About New Generation Club

Dear Friends

We have the great pleasure to formally introduce to you the New Generation Club.

The club is a 501C3 non-profit organization that promotes secular ideals and thoughts in our communities and our homeland of the Levant (Fertile Crescent).

With the recent events that have stormed our countries, the need for an alternative to the dialect of religious divisions and sectarian fanaticism is urgent. We feel that we have this alternative.

Since its inception our organization has worked tirelessly to raise awareness to this critical issue in our society. Through our youth programs, our charitable activities, our seminars and lectures and Social events we have stressed on the issues of unity, freedom and religious tolerance. Founded by a handful of young professionals of all walks of life, our membership has grown to become as diverse as our Society. Race Color and Religious differences have ceased to exist. It is unacceptable at this time and age for a religious fanatic few to overwhelm the dialogue of Peace.

I would like to invite you to become a member or at least to attend any of our various round the year events.

We count on your faith in our future and the future of the new generations to get your support.

The time to act is now.

Thank you for your help and support